Arkansas's Confirmed Haunted Cemeteries - Ghost Sightings, Apparitions & Paranormal Phenomena Confirmed
What's scarier at night than a graveyard? One that's haunted. Across Arkansas, there are numerous cemeteries that are believed to be haunted, where spirits reportedly lurk at night, and refuse to accept their grave as a final resting place. If you're feeling brave, you might want to go on a ghost tour of a local cemetery, where an expert can tell you all about the spirits that have been known to haunt your local graveyards, as well as the haunted history of the location.

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Local stories say if you hang out around the 'Hovis" gravestones at night, you'll eventually find the ghost of a man who killed his wife. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is rumored to have gates that are hot to the touch, even in the dead of winter. Witnesses have reported hearing footsteps walking behind them and have seen apparitions out of the corner of their eyes. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is said to be haunted by eerie lights and an elderly woman's apparition that has been seen in a roacking chair in the upstairs window of the church. A small boy's apparition has also appeared in photos taken at the cemetery, and the ghost of a young woman has also been seen. Many believe she is a woman who was killed nearby in the early 1900s. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Stories say there was once a glass mausoleum at this cemetery that was unmarked, and sealed up with concrete and painted over when the body inside started to decay. The man who was buried inside is known to appear as a ghost wandering the grounds carrying a lantern. His screams have also been heard at night. Read More
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Stories surrounding this cemetery say that a ghostly wind blows the flags on the graves, even when there is not a single breeze in the air. Voices and other unexplainded sounds have also been heard. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Stories say that if you go to this cemetery at night and stand underneath the large angel statue, that you will see her looking right at you, and her eyes may even light up red. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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There is a house across the street from this cemetery that dates back to the late 1800s, and stories say it was the home to a young girl who was beaten and starved to death by her parents. The girl was said to have been buried at the cemetery and witnesses have heard sounds of beatings coming from the house and have experienced strange mechanical problems with their cars as they pass or... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Conway Cemetery Historic State Park was named after the first governor of Arkansas James S. Conway and is an 11.5-acre park that includes a half-acre family cemetery where Conway is buried. Witnesses have claimed to hear disembodied voices around midnight during the full moon, possibly coming from a nearby tree where it is said that many hanging executions took place. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is rumored to be haunted by ghostly lights that follow visitors around at night, the sounds of babies crying, eerie apparitions and unexplained noises. Read More
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This cemetery is rumored to be haunted by ghosts of Native American Indians and Confederate Soldiers that wander here at night. It's also been said that tombstones move around the grounds by themselves, and that the ghostly noise of a flute playing can be heard early in the morning. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Haunting stories surrounding this cemetery include that of ghostly children who put their handprints on cars if you flash your headlights three times. It has also been said that grasshoppers and crickets refuse to go on the grounds. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is believed to be haunted by a mother and her ghostly baby. Stories say if you drop a rock into the well that is located at the center of the cemetery at night, you'll be able to hear the baby crying. The mother of the baby has been spotted running through the cemtery and according to local stories, she sat the baby on the edge of the well long ago while drawing water, and... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
Note: Arkansas Haunted Houses would like to remind all Haunt Seekers to be respectful of Cemeteries & Grave Sites when visiting.